

privacy notice

Villa Marella (“Villa Marella”, “we”, “us” and “our”) takes the issue of safeguarding your privacy seriously. Our Privacy Notice describes what information we collect from our guests.

What is Personal Information?

Personal information is any information about you as an identifiable individual. The personal information that we process includes:

  • Basic information – such as name, age, gender, passport information and publicly available photograph;

  • Contact information – such as your home address, zip/postal code, email address and phone number;

  • Financial information – such as your credit card details

  • Preferences – such as special requests, service issues and other preferences for your stay;

  • Technical information – such as information about the device you use to interact with us (including the unique device identifier, hardware model, operating system and version, and mobile network information, in the case of our mobile App); and

  • Correspondence – when you contact us, such as to send an enquiry or make a request, any correspondence or application may be kept and added to your personal information.

How do we use your personal information?

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to enable you to use our website and our mobile App;

  • to provide superior customer service to you;

  • to assist us in making your reservation and providing the services you request;

  • to process transactions through our website (including taking payment for purchases you may make through our website) and to assist in any inquiries about your transaction;

  • for billing purposes in relation to your stay with us;

  • to confirm prior transactions and reconcile statements or invoices;

  • to contact you in relation to matters that arise from your stay with us;

  • to analyse customer trends and insights; and

  • to operate our business, including for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, statistical and research purposes and troubleshooting to help us improve our services.

Occasionally we will combine information from a number of Guests to better understand trends and your expectations. When this occurs, all identifiers are removed and the aggregate, anonymized information cannot be linked to any specific individual.

On what basis do we use your personal information?

We use your personal information on the following basis:

  • to comply with legal and regulatory obligations, including financial reporting requirements imposed by Thailand government regulators and our auditors;

  • to enter into agreements with you, and to perform our agreement to provide services to you when you stay with us;

  • for legitimate business purposes – using your personal information helps us to operate and improve our business and minimise any disruption to the services that we may offer to you. It also allows us to make our communications with you more relevant and personalised to you, and to make your experience of our services more efficient and effective;

  • for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or proceedings.

How is personal information collected?

We collect your personal information while monitoring our technology tools and services, including email communications sent to and from Villa Marella

How do we protect personal information?

We use a variety of security measures and technologies to help protect your personal information from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, alteration or destruction, consistent with applicable data protection and privacy laws. For example, we allow only encrypted communications from all of our web forms, including when you provide your credit card information through our website.

What information is not secure?

We endeavor to protect the privacy of your account and other personal information that we hold in our records, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee complete security. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors, may compromise the security of user information. 

It is important to note that any e-mail communication is not secure. This is a risk inherent in the use of e-mail. Please be aware of this when requesting information. We recommend that you do not include any confidential information (i.e. credit card information) when using e-mail. For your protection, our e-mail responses to you will not include any confidential information.

Finally, to be prudent, please be sure to always close your browsers when you are done using our reservation site. Although the session will terminate after a short period of inactivity, it is best to close your browsers immediately upon completion, especially when using a public computer.

Your rights

Accessing your personal information

We understand that you may like to know what personal information we hold about you. We are happy to assist you with your request. To protect your personal information, however, we require that you prove your identity to us at the time your request is made.

When you make a request in person, we will require you to produce some form of photo identification such as a passport or a driver's license and you will be asked to sign a request form.

Where you make a request by other means, we request you contact us in writing via email, fax or letter including a copy of a government issued identification and signature. We require home and business addresses and phone numbers so we can check them with our files and satisfy ourselves as to your identity.

The above information is required to create an audit trail of how the request has been handled.

Villa Marella reserves the right to decline access to your personal information under certain circumstances as permitted by law. If your personal information is not disclosed to you, you will be provided with the reasons for this non-disclosure.

Where you are given the option to share personal information with Villa Marella, you can always choose not to do so.

If you do not wish to receive marketing information from Villa Marella, you may indicate your wishes on your registration card when you stay with us or send an e-mail to: bookings@villamarella.com

You will always have the ability to accept or decline any form of communication from Villa Marella.

How long is my Personal Information retained?

Your personal information will be stored for the period of time required by law in the jurisdiction of Thailand. This may involve retaining information following your stay. We will delete your personal information once it is no longer required for any of the purposes described above.

We will also keep your personal information where we need to do so in connection with a legal action or an investigation involving Villa Marella.